81-526 Gdynia, ul. Świerkowa 30/2
tel. + 48 504 628 929

Maritime law

Maritime law is the cornerstone of our business and the primary area of our expertise. With years of experience, our firm offers comprehensive legal advice in maritime law, covering aspects such as shipping safety and marine environmental protection.

Maritime law is not just our daily work but also a passion that drives us to provide effective legal assistance to our clients. Thanks to our extensive knowledge of maritime law, we can also support projects related to offshore wind farm construction, ensuring compliance with all maritime law regulations.

Whether it involves representation before maritime authorities or dispute resolution, our deep understanding of maritime law guarantees professionalism and effectiveness in every aspect of our work. Additionally, we conduct training sessions, actively promote maritime law, and participate in the review and drafting of legal acts related to maritime law.

We have very broad and complex experience in the following areas of the maritime law:

- arrests of vessels and release of vessels

- registation of vessels and mortgages on the vessels

- marine insurance claims

- cargo claims

- accident, general average & salvage claims

- oil spills claims

- appeals from decisions and fines imposed by Port State Control

- marine accidents investigations

- ship construction & ship repairs

- seafarers' taxes

- representation before Polish maritime authorities, Maritime Chambers, courts and other organs in all above matters